Cambodia Human Development Report 2000

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Ms. Dominique Ait Ouyahia-McAdams - Resident Representative (UNDP) , Dr. Anil Deolalikar - Consultant , Chhay Than (Ministry of Planning - Government of Cambodia). 2000. Cambodia Human Development Report 2000. New York.
Cambodia Human Development Report 2000
Posted on: January 01, 2000
Cambodia's fourth NHDR documents the magnitude of child labor in Cambodia, and attempts to understand the determinants of child labor within the context of the overall labor market in the country. It also explores the links between child labor, human development, and human rights. The Report stresses that children are the wealth of the nation and its future. It concludes that labor that prevents children from realizing their full human potential -by keeping them away from school or by causing them injury or illness - is not only a violation of their human rights, but is also harmful to Cambodia's long-term national interest.