New Atlas of Human Development in Brazil

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2000. New Atlas of Human Development in Brazil: 1991-2000. New York.
New Atlas of Human Development in Brazil
Posted on: January 01, 2000
UNDP Brazil, in conjunction with the Ministry of Planning's Applied Economic Research Institute (IPEA) and the Joao Pinheiro Foundation (MG), has been producing an annual "Atlas of Human Development in Brazil" since 1997. This series of national and sub-national publications provides detailed disaggregated data for all of Brazil and has led the HDI to become accepted by the government as a tool for resource allocation. The Atlas has now developed into an electronic databank presenting human development indicators for all 5,000 Brazilian municipalities. It is used by heads of state, policymakers, the media, civil society organizations and researchers in academia and has inspired many policy initiatives.