Regional Human Development Report 2016: Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia
Progress at Risk: Inequalities and Human Development in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia

UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2016. Regional Human Development Report 2016: Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia: Progress at Risk: Inequalities and Human Development in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia. New York.
Regional Human Development Report 2016: Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia
Progress at Risk: Inequalities and Human Development in Eastern Europe, Turkey, and Central Asia
This report explains how—despite relatively equal distributions of income, broad access to social services, and small gender disparities—many countries of this region are facing growing threats to their human development accomplishments. It shows how popular concerns about inequalities—in terms of income and wealth, but also equality before the law — seem to be on the rise in many countries. It identifies key policy reforms and programming areas for more effective responses to the region’s inequality challenges. This report addresses these challenges and calls for better measurement of inequalities and sustainability in official statistics, the expansion of care services to address gender-based labour market exclusion, reductions in tax burdens on labour, and expanding fiscal space via reductions in fossil fuel subsidies and increased collection of taxes on illicit financial flows and other goods and services with negative socio-environmental