Sharing the journey: the way ahead for human development and human security frameworks

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Oscar A. Gómez, Ako Muto and Sachiko G. Kamidohzono. 2016. Sharing the journey: the way ahead for human development and human security frameworks. New York.
Sharing the journey: the way ahead for human development and human security frameworks
Posted on: January 01, 2016
As an intellectual offspring of human development ideas and practice, the evolution of the human security concept can offer some insights about how to rethink human development in the post-2015 era. This view originates from human security’s focus on a deep understanding of threats, downside risks and crises. We suggest that there are three basic challenges that new human development thinking should address, namely: countering the shock-driven response to global threats that drives attention away from those left behind, promoting a culture of prevention, and catching up conceptually with the deep global transformations taking place in relation to development.