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  author = {UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)},
  title = {HIV/AIDS Burundi},
  journal = {UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)},
  year = {2003},
  location = {New York},
  URL = {},
  abstract = {The next NHDR in Burundi will deal with HIV/AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in Burundi has reached very high levels : 10,5% in peri-urban areas, 9,4% in urban zones and 2,5% in rural areas. The report will support a massive strategy of communication on the reality of the disease in the country. It will be the first major publication releasing the results of the latest HIV/AIDS national survey updating the results of the 1990 survey. For the first time, it will highlight the influence of cultural factors on the dissemination of the disease. The report should ultimately impact on policy making and help policy makers to prepare effective fighting-HIV/AIDS programs.}
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AU - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
TI - HIV/AIDS Burundi
PT - Journal Article
DP - 2003
TA - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
AB - The next NHDR in Burundi will deal with HIV/AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in Burundi has reached very high levels : 10,5% in peri-urban areas, 9,4% in urban zones and 2,5% in rural areas. The report will support a massive strategy of communication on the reality of the disease in the country. It will be the first major publication releasing the results of the latest HIV/AIDS national survey updating the results of the 1990 survey. For the first time, it will highlight the influence of cultural factors on the dissemination of the disease. The report should ultimately impact on policy making and help policy makers to prepare effective fighting-HIV/AIDS programs.
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%0 Journal Article
%A UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
%T HIV/AIDS Burundi
%D 2003
%J UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
%X The next NHDR in Burundi will deal with HIV/AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in Burundi has reached very high levels : 10,5% in peri-urban areas, 9,4% in urban zones and 2,5% in rural areas. The report will support a massive strategy of communication on the reality of the disease in the country. It will be the first major publication releasing the results of the latest HIV/AIDS national survey updating the results of the 1990 survey. For the first time, it will highlight the influence of cultural factors on the dissemination of the disease. The report should ultimately impact on policy making and help policy makers to prepare effective fighting-HIV/AIDS programs.
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AU  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
TI  - HIV/AIDS Burundi
PY  - 2003
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  -,
AB  - The next NHDR in Burundi will deal with HIV/AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in Burundi has reached very high levels : 10,5% in peri-urban areas, 9,4% in urban zones and 2,5% in rural areas. The report will support a massive strategy of communication on the reality of the disease in the country. It will be the first major publication releasing the results of the latest HIV/AIDS national survey updating the results of the 1990 survey. For the first time, it will highlight the influence of cultural factors on the dissemination of the disease. The report should ultimately impact on policy making and help policy makers to prepare effective fighting-HIV/AIDS programs.
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T1  - HIV/AIDS Burundi
AU  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
PY  - 2003
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  -,
AB  - The next NHDR in Burundi will deal with HIV/AIDS. The HIV prevalence rate in Burundi has reached very high levels : 10,5% in peri-urban areas, 9,4% in urban zones and 2,5% in rural areas. The report will support a massive strategy of communication on the reality of the disease in the country. It will be the first major publication releasing the results of the latest HIV/AIDS national survey updating the results of the 1990 survey. For the first time, it will highlight the influence of cultural factors on the dissemination of the disease. The report should ultimately impact on policy making and help policy makers to prepare effective fighting-HIV/AIDS programs.