2001-2002 NHDR Slovak Republic

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UNDP (United Nations Development Programme). 2001. 2001-2002 NHDR Slovak Republic. New York.
2001-2002 NHDR Slovak Republic
Posted on: January 01, 2001
The Slovak National Human Development Report, prepared by the Centre for Economic Development (CPHR) in conjunction with experts working for NGOs, the Government, academia and the international sector, focuses on human health. The Report defines the strengths and shortcomings of the health sector, and formulates a framework for the gradual improvement of health parameters. Its goal is to increase public awareness of health issues and preventative measures, and highlight the individual's and society's role in improving public health. The Report attributes the unsatisfactory condition of Slovak health to an ineffective health care system and to the lifestyles Slovaks lead. In particular, the male population suffers due to an increase in tobacco consumption, unhealthy dietary habits, worsened social conditions, but also the crisis in the health sector (mainly in the areas of health care accessibility, quality of services, financial sustainability of the system, and rampant corruption). The Report ascertains that health "recovery" requires better public access to health risks-related information, and more effective information on preventative health measures. Health care reform must improve the quality of health services and bring systematic changes in health care financing and in organizational and institutional accountablity. But most importantly, responsibility for one's own health must improve, requiring targeted assistance to vulnerable groups of the population.