Featured stories in top-tier outlets:
The Guardian: Growing gulf between rich and poor countries ‘recipe for much darker future’
The Washington Post: Pandemic left much of the world on lower human development trajectory
The Financial Times: The pandemic’s stark legacy: widening inequality between countries
Associated Press: Many countries are bouncing back from the pandemic but the poorest are not
Die Zeit: Weltweite Lebensbedingungen laut UN wieder auf Vor-Pandemie-Niveau
The Economist: Which countries have the best, and worst, living standards?
AFP: Le monde retrouve son niveau de développement pré-pandémie, un fossé se creuse avec les pays pauvres
CNN En Español: Panorama Mundial Con Gabi Frías: El Informe De Naciones Unidas Sobre Desarrollo Humano - 3/14/2024
The Times of India: “Remarkable progress’: UN hails India’s progress in Human Development Index
The report's key findings are capturing the attention of policy think tanks, with notable contributions from HDRO Director Pedro Conceição featured in blogs from the Brookings Institution, the World Economic Forum, and the World Bank.