Calculating the Human Development Index

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Pierre Etienne Ly - Coordinator, Adama Toe , Gilbert Poumange , Marguerite Samba Maliavo , Jean Damacene Sebera . 2015. Calculating the Human Development Index. New York.
Calculating the Human Development Index
Posted on: January 01, 2015
This document was originally compiled in 2011 with information from a range of Human Development Reports and other publications by UNDP. The Oxford Poverty and Human development Initiative (OPHI) researchers Diego Zavaleta and Joanne Tomkinson edited source materials for this draft, with support from Sabina Alkire, Melissa Friedman, Gisela Robles Aguilar, Sarah Valenti, Maria Emma Santos, and others at HDRO including Amie Gaye and Tim Scott. The final draft was revised by Milorad Kovacevic and Cecilia Calderon in March 2015.