Doi Moi Process and Human Development

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Nguyen Dinh Cu , Nguyen Manh Cuong , Pham Xuan Dai , Nguyen Thi Kim Dung , Le Bach Duong , Tran Hun Giang , Phi Manh Hong , Do Hoai Nam , Vu Quoc Huy , Vo Tri Thanh , Tran Dinh Thien. 2001. Doi Moi Process and Human Development. New York.
Doi Moi Process and Human Development
Posted on: January 01, 2001
"The report explores the progress of the 'Doi moi' process, an economic reform and poverty eradication program begun by Vietnamese government in 1986. Human
development indicators for Vietnam have steadily improved since the program’s implementation and the country scores higher than other countries with similar incomes in the areas of health and education. National averages are only part of the story, however, and through the use of composite indices, the report identifies significant regional, ethnic and gender disparities and develops a comprehensive strategy for deepening the doi moi process."