Himachal Pradesh Human Development Report 2002

Dr. Seeta Prabhu - Contributor (Human Development Resource Center) , Dr. Suraj Kumar - Contributor (Human Development Resource Center) , D.K. Sharma - Coordinator (Government of Himachal Pradesh). 2002. Himachal Pradesh Human Development Report 2002. New York.
Himachal Pradesh Human Development Report 2002
Posted on: January 01, 2002
Himachal Pradesh is considered as a model of mountain area development, with relatively low poverty rates. The success of the region is attributed not only to a prosperous rural economy and high levels of per capita government expenditure but also to focused public interventions, greater participation of women and strong local institutions.
However, this first Report goes beyond the success story approach as it brings out problems and constraints in relevant sectors and highlights the urgency of finding innovative solutions to the further financing of human development in the state. The areas of concern highlighted in the Report include promoting sustainable livelihood, strengthening local governance, addressing the challenge of HIV/AIDS and above all pro-poor reforms.