Human Development Report 1995
Gender and Human Development

Valeri Melikidze, Rachel Stancliffe, George Tarkhan-Mouravi. 1995. Human Development Report 1995: Gender and Human Development. New York.
Human Development Report 1995
Gender and Human Development
Human Development, if not engendered, is endangered. That is the simple but far-reaching message of Human Development Report 1995.
The Report analyses the progress made in reducing gender disparities in the past few decades, highlighting the wide and persistent gap between women's expanding capabilities and limited opportunities. It introduces two new measures for ranking countries on a global scale by their performance in gender equality (GEM) and (GDI), and analyses the under-valuation and non-recognition of women's work. It offers a five-point strategy for equalizing gender opportunities in the decade ahead.
- National and international efforts must mobilize to win legal equality of the sexes within a defined period;
- Many economic and institutional arrangements need revamping to extend more choices to women and men in the work place;
- A critical 30% threshold should be regarded as a minimum share of decision-making positions held by women at the national level;
- Key programmes should embrace universal female education, improved reproductive health and more credit for women; and
- National and international efforts should target programmes that enable people, particularly women, to gain greater access to economic and political oppurtunities.