Human Rights and Human Development: Action for Progress
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Zorab Mnatsakanyan - National Project Coordinator , Nune Yeghiazaryan - National Project Coordinator , Gerasim Danielyan , Rubik Yegoryan , Alexander Aghamalyan , Rimma Ter-Minasyan , Mikayel Meldkumyan , Aydin Morikyan. 2000. Human Rights and Human Development: Action for Progress. New York.
Human Rights and Human Development: Action for Progress
Posted on: January 01, 2000
Armenia has experienced a decline in human development indicators since 2000. This can be attributed in part to the 1998 Russian crisis and the 1999 assassination of the Armenian Prime Minister. In addition, the report analyzes the achievements made in human rights and human development as well as the challenges ahead and focuses on the lack of sufficiently developed institutions, benchmarks and measurements of human rights. The theme has acquired special resonance due to Armenia’s scheduled accession to the Council of Europe. The report was distributed in the country’s schools and is the basis for curricula on civic education.