Human Development Report Burkina Faso 2000
The Role of Governance
Christian Lemaire - Resident Representative (PNUD) , Luc Joel Gregoire - Main Coordinator (UNDP) , Harouna Quedraogo - Main Coordinator , Mette Ravn - Main Coordinator , Luc Marius Ibriga - Advisor , Adama Konseiga - Advisor , Mafing Konde - Advisor. 2000. Human Development Report Burkina Faso 2000: The Role of Governance. New York.
Human Development Report Burkina Faso 2000
The Role of Governance
Posted on: January 01, 2000
Burkina Faso's NHDR 2000 addresses the country's need for elaborating a national strategy to alleviate poverty. The 2000 NHDR of Burkina Faso tackles governance both conceptually and within the national legal, institutional and political framework. Further, the Report provides an analysis of national development stakeholders' roles and capacities in governance. It highlights the need for building strategic public private partnerships to promote good governance in Burkina Faso. The Report also addresses the role of women in development and governance. It finally analyses Government's relations with international development partners, in order to make the most of development cooperation and assistance.