Human Development Report on globalization with a Gender Perspective

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William Pleitez - Coordinator, Carolina Ávalos Trigueros - Technical and Statistics Coordinator, Alvaro Magaña - Editorial Team, Charles Schnell - Editorial Team, Miguel Huezo Mixco - Editorial Team. 2003. Human Development Report on globalization with a Gender Perspective. New York.
Human Development Report on globalization with a Gender Perspective
Posted on: January 01, 2003
The “Human Development Report El Salvador 2003” is composed of 3 parts. Part 1 - “Trends and Perspectives of Human Development in El Salvador,” contains an update of the main indicators on human development in El Salvador, and the country’s advancement in the fulfillment of the objectives and goals of the Millennium Summit will be evaluated. Part 2 will is aimed at providing some sort of frame of reference on the existing relationship between human development, Central American regional integration and globalization. Finally, Part 3 will examine the key themes to build a human development agenda for El Salvador within the framework of the opening and globalization process in six areas: political, economic, social, territorial, environmental and cultural.