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  author = {Schmidt, Rodney; Bhushan, Aniket},
  title = {The Currency Transactions Tax},
  journal = {UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)},
  year = {2011},
  location = {New York},
  URL = {},
  abstract = {Re-visiting research begun a decade ago, we examine the design and implementation of a modern currency transaction tax, the original financial transaction or Tobin tax. We show how a feasible CTT can be collected, and we estimate CTT revenues and market impact based on alternative tax rates. We survey the potential uses for these new revenues, and propose allocation mechanisms. Finally, we estimate the new and additional resources that would likely become available for financing the provision of global public goods.}
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AU - Schmidt, Rodney; Bhushan, Aniket
TI - The Currency Transactions Tax
PT - Journal Article
DP - 2011
TA - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
AB - Re-visiting research begun a decade ago, we examine the design and implementation of a modern currency transaction tax, the original financial transaction or Tobin tax. We show how a feasible CTT can be collected, and we estimate CTT revenues and market impact based on alternative tax rates. We survey the potential uses for these new revenues, and propose allocation mechanisms. Finally, we estimate the new and additional resources that would likely become available for financing the provision of global public goods.
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%0 Journal Article
%A Schmidt, Rodney; Bhushan, Aniket
%T The Currency Transactions Tax
%D 2011
%J UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
%U ,
%X Re-visiting research begun a decade ago, we examine the design and implementation of a modern currency transaction tax, the original financial transaction or Tobin tax. We show how a feasible CTT can be collected, and we estimate CTT revenues and market impact based on alternative tax rates. We survey the potential uses for these new revenues, and propose allocation mechanisms. Finally, we estimate the new and additional resources that would likely become available for financing the provision of global public goods.
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AU  - Schmidt, Rodney; Bhushan, Aniket
TI  - The Currency Transactions Tax
PY  - 2011
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  - ,
AB  - Re-visiting research begun a decade ago, we examine the design and implementation of a modern currency transaction tax, the original financial transaction or Tobin tax. We show how a feasible CTT can be collected, and we estimate CTT revenues and market impact based on alternative tax rates. We survey the potential uses for these new revenues, and propose allocation mechanisms. Finally, we estimate the new and additional resources that would likely become available for financing the provision of global public goods.
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T1  - The Currency Transactions Tax
AU  - Schmidt, Rodney; Bhushan, Aniket
PY  - 2011
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  - ,
AB  - Re-visiting research begun a decade ago, we examine the design and implementation of a modern currency transaction tax, the original financial transaction or Tobin tax. We show how a feasible CTT can be collected, and we estimate CTT revenues and market impact based on alternative tax rates. We survey the potential uses for these new revenues, and propose allocation mechanisms. Finally, we estimate the new and additional resources that would likely become available for financing the provision of global public goods.