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  author = {Schapiro, Kristina A.},
  title = {Migration and Educational Outcomes of Children},
  journal = {UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)},
  year = {2009},
  location = {New York},
  URL = {},
  abstract = {This paper examines the impact of migration on educational outcomes of children. It looks at the outcomes of internationally as well as internally migrating children and identifies the specific barriers they face in access to quality schooling. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in migrant households. It subsequently examines the variations in educational attainment of second-generation migrant children. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of the strategies that have been implemented to improve the schooling outcomes of children affected by migration.}
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AU - Schapiro, Kristina A.
TI - Migration and Educational Outcomes of Children
PT - Journal Article
DP - 2009
TA - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
AB - This paper examines the impact of migration on educational outcomes of children. It looks at the outcomes of internationally as well as internally migrating children and identifies the specific barriers they face in access to quality schooling. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in migrant households. It subsequently examines the variations in educational attainment of second-generation migrant children. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of the strategies that have been implemented to improve the schooling outcomes of children affected by migration.
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%0 Journal Article
%A Schapiro, Kristina A.
%T Migration and Educational Outcomes of Children
%D 2009
%J UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
%U ,
%X This paper examines the impact of migration on educational outcomes of children. It looks at the outcomes of internationally as well as internally migrating children and identifies the specific barriers they face in access to quality schooling. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in migrant households. It subsequently examines the variations in educational attainment of second-generation migrant children. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of the strategies that have been implemented to improve the schooling outcomes of children affected by migration.
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AU  - Schapiro, Kristina A.
TI  - Migration and Educational Outcomes of Children
PY  - 2009
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  - ,
AB  - This paper examines the impact of migration on educational outcomes of children. It looks at the outcomes of internationally as well as internally migrating children and identifies the specific barriers they face in access to quality schooling. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in migrant households. It subsequently examines the variations in educational attainment of second-generation migrant children. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of the strategies that have been implemented to improve the schooling outcomes of children affected by migration.
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T1  - Migration and Educational Outcomes of Children
AU  - Schapiro, Kristina A.
PY  - 2009
JF  - UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
UR  - ,
AB  - This paper examines the impact of migration on educational outcomes of children. It looks at the outcomes of internationally as well as internally migrating children and identifies the specific barriers they face in access to quality schooling. It discusses the various channels through which migration affects the education and wellbeing of non-migrant children in migrant households. It subsequently examines the variations in educational attainment of second-generation migrant children. To conclude, the paper recognizes the policy challenges surrounding the migration-education linkage and considers some of the strategies that have been implemented to improve the schooling outcomes of children affected by migration.